Note: Going forward, parentheticals ( ) will be translations, and brackets [ ] will be my way of giving you a rough estimation of pronunciation. Obviously, I expect everyone to learn along with me. ;o)
Mulţumesc (thanks) mama mea [may-uh] (my mother) şi fraţii mei [she fraht-zee may] (and my brothers) for bearing with me as I tried my hand at translating everything into Romanian. As they were laughing at me, commenting "well, Tim is teaching again," or simply rolling their eyes, they dealt with it admirably. There is something about teaching a subject to others to really help concretely set up concepts in one's own mind. Mom was especially helpful as I ordered drinks and food and asked her "what I owed her," and then broke down the dolari and told her it was too much or just enough. The hardest part of learning this language is that I don't have anyone around me that speaks Romanian.
I'm grateful that I'll have Skype and e-mail to keep in touch with Mamă şi Tată şi întreaga familie [she oon-tray-ah-guh fuh-mee-lee-eh] (the whole family). Te iubesc! (I love you all.)
Special shout out to văr [vuhr] (cousin) Marc and to Marty. Thanks for letting me pick your brain about Europe. I really enjoyed dessert and tea. You're both great! Noroc (good luck) in all your endeavors.
Another shout out to Vanessa. Your many tips on Italy are much appreciated. It was great to see you, and spend some time together. I'm looking for that backpack as I type.
Noapte buna [Nwap-teh boo-nuh] (Goodnight) familie - I feel like I'm on the closing moments of The Waltons.
Staring up at the same moon. |