Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Poem Inspired by my Students


At my office door
the students jostle
each other, fighting
and fluttering,
cocking their heads
at a jaunty angle.

Wings flapping,
they chirp anxiously
in a new language
trying out the words,
uncertain of what
they want or whether
they will get it.

One or two have pin feather
awkwardly sprouting,
and they squawk overly loud,
wanting to be the first to be noticed –
the first to be fed.

They circle and flit
eying me like some
dropped grain,
some new crumb
of different,

uncertain of whether
they should boldly dash in
to grab it before the others do;
tentative and leery of a trap.

Some will return to search
and scratch
among the English
for the half-eaten kernel of a word,
while others will peck among
the shells for the odd phrase
or quirky idiom to sing.

But maybe,
maybe if I'm lucky
a couple will settle,
eat from my hand and teach me
to fly.

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